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Meet the creator

Sarah Lal

"Motherhood is the most empowering experience of my life. And also the biggest challenge.
If I knew THEN what I know NOW, life as a new mum would've been much smoother."


I'm Sarah, a mother of two living in sunny Singapore. I am also the co-owner of MyLifehouse, a leading life coaching company, and co-creator of How To Live, a popular podcast exploring ways to live a good life.


Motherhood is a wild ride. Tiny humans bring the purest love and joy into our lives. But the early years can be tough. There is so much to learn, while also managing the demands of sleep deprivation, recovery, social pressures, and a constantly changing baby... it can be overwhelming! I recall wishing there was a Baby Academy, where I could learn the basics in my own time. 


That's why I started the Little Nutshells YouTube channel. I'm on a mission to make life a little easier for new mums, one video at a time. You can expect tutorials, how-to guides, quick tips, and advice from the experts, exploring all things baby and toddler. The videos might not always be polished, as I'm filming in-between kids and work. But I hope there will be something useful and helpful in there. 


Enjoy Mamas, these videos are for you. 

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More Little Nutshells Here

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New video every other week with Sarah Lal. 

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